!860 Print of All Saints + notes.pdf 'Main Road to east Margate in 1902.pdf 'OLD JOE' - His story - 1977.pdf 'Whiston' - 114 Alpha.pdf 1 HERBIE FLOWER - 1 .pdf 1 Allen Murder Arrest 10 May 57.pdf 1 COLE Rev - Death notice .pdf 1 - AEROPLANE DISASTER AT BIRCHINGTON - 1925.pdf 1 - ALL SAINTS CHURCH.pdf 1 - ALTAR TOMB.pdf 1 - BIRCHINGTON WINDMILL Notes.pdf 1 - DRAMA AT SEA - 27 May 1933 - Jennie.pdf 1 - JIM the dog - story.pdf 1 - JIM the dog.pdf 1 - Memorial Ground story 2.pdf 1 - QUEX - OWNERS + pics.pdf 1 - SCHOOL Part 1 .pdf 10 Pope's or St Nich 1840 .pdf 10 CHURCHYARD - 1 .pdf 10 - RAILWAY at BIRCHINGTON.pdf 11 Minnis Bay Coast Guards 1880 .pdf 11 - LARGE SW PILLAR.pdf 11 a Accident at Epple 1874 .pdf 12 191 Canterbury Road 1886 .pdf 12 - MASONS'S MARKS - nave pillars.pdf 12 - St Thomas' benefactor - MRS. HAIDEE KEARNS.pdf 13 James Eastland 1824-1905 .pdf 13 - NORTH DOOR.pdf 13 A10 Masonic Foundation Stone.pdf 13 A7 St Mildred's Church, Acol.pdf 14 Memories of Smugglers 1965 .pdf 14 - OLDEST STONES - outside SW wall.pdf 15 - EASTER SEPULCHRE + 8 - The Head.pdf 1565 - HOUSES in B'ton.pdf 16 - ROOD BEAM CORBEL - N side Chancel arch.pdf 1619-1987 POWELL ARMS - some history.pdf 18 - WALL PAINTING in Quex Chapel.pdf 1810-11 James Andrews Carpenter - 27.9.pdf 1826 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1841 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1881 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1894 & 1980 - Parish Status for Birchington.pdf 1894 - CARNIVAL - Jubilee Year.pdf 1894 - PARISH COUNCIL ....pdf 1895 - CARNIVAL - Mayor's Day.pdf 1895 - SUICIDE at Powell Arms Xmas.pdf 1896 - CARNIVAL - Mayor's Day.pdf 1896-1926 INFANT SCHOOL B'ton.pdf 1897 Parish in 1897.pdf 1897 Storm and Exhbition Building .pdf 1898 - CARNIVAL- Electing Mayor.pdf 1898 - Drainage Scheme - March.pdf 19 - The Spire.pdf 19 ST MILDRED.pdf 1903-4 BUNGALOWS & COAST.pdf 1911 Census return for Royston Cole.pdf 1915 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1918 - POPULATION & LOSSES WW 1 - B'ton.pdf 1918 - War Weapons Week and POP'ton.pdf 1925 - Air Craft crash.pdf 1925 - Traffic in the Square.pdf 1925 Aeroplane crash - Beresford.pdf 1930 - Pond - Laurie Brooks.pdf 1930s houses - 1925 .pdf 1930s Houses.pdf 1932 - First CARNIVAL - report on 1933 event.pdf 1934 - POWELL ARMS - Inventory & Valuation.pdf 1947 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1948 - 9 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1961 STREET FARMHOUSE Deeds .pdf 1a - LOWER GORE-END FARM - A. Jackson.pdf 1a - Quex, its illustrated story - 15 pp - + pix.pdf 1a -ALTAR RAIL Saints + items in hands.pdf 1b - Altar Rails - Identity of figures.pdf 1st Vicarage - 1 - 270 + 270A Cant Rd.pdf 1st Vicarage - 1 - 270 + 270A.pdf 1st & 2nd FOUNTAIN 1900 & 09 .pdf 1st Vicarage - c. 1940.pdf 2 Minnis Bay Run 1820 .pdf 2 - AEROPLANE DISASTER INQUEST - 1.pdf 2 - ALL SAINTS CHURCH - B'ton Guide 12pt.pdf 2 - PARK LANE C OF E SCHOOL - Log Book items.pdf 20 - MAJOR MORRISON BELL.pdf 2004 - Dog Acre - 10 pt..pdf 21 - RAILWAY Minnis to MANSTON.pdf 21 ST MILDRED'S AVENUE.pdf 22 - ROSSETTI GABRIEL CHARLES DANTE + BIRCHINGTON.pdf 230 CANTERBURY ROAD Street Farm - K.pdf 236 - Street Farmhouse.pdf 238 - APRIL COTTAGE.pdf 23a THOMAS BISHOP - Family matters 1.pdf 24 - VILL OF WOOD Story - inc. pics + highlights.pdf 24 EPPLE ROAD Treveddoe.pdf 26 - THE HERALDRY OF THE QUEX CHAPEL.pdf 29 - DEVELOPMENT OF BIRCHINGTON - - via Lynn.pdf 3 Richard Bowles 1771.pdf 3 - AEROPLANE DISASTER Inquest resumed.pdf 3 - Art Journal transcript re Tower Bungalows.pdf 3 - GUIDE - after LEN WALKER.pdf 3 - SCHOOL Part 3 .pdf 3 Allen Murder Trial 31 May 57.pdf 30 - THE QUEX CHAPEL.pdf 31 - Vermin & Destruction in Birchington.pdf 31 - Vermin & its Destruction in Birchington.pdf 32 - INSTITUTE at Birchington.pdf 32 - INSTITUTE Charity by AT Walker.pdf 33 - Dog Acre.pdf 35 - School-Church at Acol - Opening - 1876.pdf 36 - EDUCATION OF THE POOR.pdf 37 - QUEX AND ITS OWNERS - b - - via JODIE.pdf 4 - BIRCHINGTON BUNGALOWS - A T Walker.pdf 4 - PLAGUE AND BIRCHINGTON.pdf 4 Church Street Acol .pdf 4. BRASSES - A. Chn John+Agnes Crispe.pdf 4. BRASSES - B. Alys Crispe.pdf 4. BRASSES - C. John + Richd Quek.pdf 4. BRASSES - D. - Rich'd Quek.pdf 4. BRASSES - E. Margaret Crispe 1528.pdf 4. BRASSES - F. Margaret Crispe 1533.pdf 4. BRASSES - G. John Heynys 1528.pdf 5 Thomas Thunder 1789 .pdf 5 - BUNGALOWS - notes from Brenda Kirby.pdf 5 - YOUTH GROUPS .pdf 6 Allen Murder - later outcome 1981 & 1991.pdf 7 Anker Seizure 1805 .pdf 7 - FONT.pdf 7 - QUEX CHAPEL.pdf 7 - WORKHOUSE IN BIRCHINGTON.pdf 7 STRUCTURE of Church - 1 .pdf 8 Darby John 1818 .pdf 8 - CLOCK - om CHURCH.pdf 8 - CONCLUSION .pdf 8 - The HEAD - Quex Chapel.pdf 800 Years Old.pdf 9 - BIRCHINGTON - NAME & spelling.pdf 9 - Contract info for Plans file.pdf 9 - LANCET WINDOW - Quex Chapel.pdf A - L PLAN of ALL SAINTS Churchyard.pdf A Different Mould - B'ton - Arthur Bowers.pdf A guide to the Parish Church - 1967.pdf A History of the Ville of Birchington.pdf A Survey of Kent by Richard Kilburne - 1659.pdf A T WALKER NOTES 1.pdf A Walk Through Birchington.pdf AA guide to B'ton Accommodation 1938-39.pdf Abduction of Crispe - retyped by Heather Letley.pdf Acol Farm 1915 to 1940.pdf ACOL HALL Notes.pdf ACOL HALL - A.T. Walker's notes.pdf Acol map + text 1920.pdf ACOL NOTES - Neil Lawrence.pdf ACOL or ST NICHOLAS AT WOODCHURCH.pdf ACORN - SALE 1792 - Letter.pdf ACORN INN - 1817 .pdf Acorn Inn - Mike O'Hara.pdf Acorn Inn - note.pdf Acorn Inn 2 - Mike O'Hara.pdf Ada Castle's Dad - ROY COOK.pdf Additional notes on Grenham House School.pdf ADELAIDE COTTAGES.pdf ADINKERKE 29 Reculver Ave.pdf Advertiser & Echo on the Shelters - 1a.pdf AFTER THE WAR 3 .pdf AFTER THE WAR at Quex .pdf AGNES QUEK & JOHN CRISPE 1533.pdf AGRIC. RIOTS 1830 - Elizabeth Studham.pdf Airmen in Thanet - 1912.pdf Albaster monument.pdf Albion Road 'Well'.pdf ALBION ROAD SCHOOL.pdf ALBION ROAD.pdf ALCOCK, Rev. John Price's life.pdf ALL SAINTS WINDOWS - Texts .pdf All Saints, Birchington - Reredos 1882.pdf Alma Cottages.pdf ALMS HOUSES.pdf ALPHA ROAD - TRAILS etc. + TOWER - A.pdf Altar Rails in All Saints - story.pdf ALTARS in All Saints Church c. 1525.pdf Ambrose Adams & the new desks - Jan 1864.pdf Ambrose Adams.pdf ANCHORAGE .pdf Anchorage and Fire Brigade .pdf Anchorage Fire & Life - 1902.pdf Ann's SAMPLER notice.pdf Anna Crispe's life - Events.pdf Annotated Caves.pdf Anvil Close Tunnels.pdf APPRENTICES INDENTURES - continuous.pdf APRIL COTTAGE 236.pdf APRIL COTTAGE 238.pdf ARLEY CANUTE ROAD.pdf ARMADA SESS - A.T. Walker.pdf ARMADA SESS 1588 - Resume.pdf ARTHUR ROBINSON RAYDEN.pdf Artist David Burley.pdf AYRES - B'ton Hero + Treasure..pdf B'TON - short talk A.T. Waker.pdf B'ton - Its History & Progress - Walker (edited).pdf B'ton - Morden 1695 - detail.pdf B'ton CE National School.pdf B'ton Engineering Employee - KEN WATSON.pdf B'ton Engineering Employee - REG STOKES.pdf B'ton HISTORY ATW.pdf B'ton History - 965 words.pdf B'ton plans for new houses - 4.pdf B'ton Rail survey N.W. c. 1860.pdf B'TON'S FIRST PARISH COUNCIL 1894.pdf B'TON's Name - Walker's notes 2 pp.pdf Bandstand topic.pdf Bang goes a village bakery.pdf BANK OPENING.pdf BANKS in Birchington.pdf Baptist Chapel - 1st .pdf Baptist Chapels 1 + 2.pdf BAPTIST CHURCH + CORNERSTONE 2010.pdf Baptist Church Opening.pdf Barrett - grave inscrip + note.pdf Bay Hotel & its architect.pdf BEACONSFIELD & the CZECHS.pdf BEACONSFIELD - owners 1885 - 1984.pdf BEATLES & Dentist .pdf Beck find - 3 pp..pdf Bedlam Cott. Notice.pdf BEDLAM COTTAGE.pdf Bedlam fire + comments.pdf BEES at Quex Park - a .pdf BEGGARS ROOST - CORONA .pdf BELGIAN WOUNDED AT QUEX PARK.pdf BELL INDENTURE 1634.pdf Bella Vista, Temperance etc..pdf BELLS in BIRCHINGTON 1926.pdf BELLS OF ALL SAINTS - one side.pdf BELLS OF ALL SAINTS.pdf BEN MAY -PHOTOGRAPHER.pdf BENETTON ADVERT .pdf Beresford Hotel Fire - March 1967 - text only.pdf Beresford Hotel - History .pdf BERESFORD Hotel - redevelpoment 1970s.pdf BERESFORD Hotel.pdf Beresford Lodge - later Hotel.pdf Beresford Lodge 1904 + rext.pdf Beresford Site - 1967.pdf Bertie Betts & the Runawy Horse 1925.pdf BETTY THOMAS.pdf BIER for All Saints.pdf BIERCE COURT - based on note by AT Walker.pdf BILL HUDSON.pdf Birch Hill Estate and Spurgeons - Version 10.pdf Birch. Square+Text.pdf BIRCHINGTON DEVELOPMENT 1930s onwards.pdf BIRCHINGTON DEVELOPMENT date order.pdf Birchington Engineering - re-typed + BOLD bits.pdf Birchington Women in W W 1 - text notes.pdf Birchington & Acol .pdf Birchington 'The Village of Hygeia'.pdf BIRCHINGTON (from Herne Bay Press) 1889.pdf Birchington - 1902.pdf Birchington - World War 1.pdf BIRCHINGTON 100 YEARS AGO - AT Walker.pdf Birchington 1000-1400.pdf Birchington 1400-1800 .pdf Birchington 1800-2000 .pdf BIRCHINGTON 1900 - 1910 .pdf Birchington 1903-4 - a.pdf Birchington 50 years ago (from 1976).pdf Birchington Baptist Church.pdf Birchington Bay FLOODED 1897.pdf Birchington Bay Flooded.pdf Birchington Buildings and Sites.pdf BIRCHINGTON CARNIVAL - 1895.pdf BIRCHINGTON CARNIVAL - 1896.pdf BIRCHINGTON CARNIVAL - 1898.pdf birchington early map.pdf BIRCHINGTON ENGINEERING + TAPLIN COURT.pdf BIRCHINGTON ENGINEERING FACTORY.pdf BIRCHINGTON HALL Print.pdf Birchington Hall - from Australia.pdf Birchington Hall - Susan Gray.pdf Birchington History notes.pdf Birchington Institute story - 2009.pdf Birchington Library 1925 .pdf Birchington mourns the squire.pdf BIRCHINGTON NATIONAL SCHOOL 1872 .pdf BIRCHINGTON PLACE or HALL.pdf BIRCHINGTON RED CROSS.pdf BIRCHINGTON SCHOOLS - A.T. W .pdf BLACK DEATH & ALL SAINTS CHURCH, Birchington.pdf Blue Sky 1.pdf BOTTLE-SHAPED HOLE - 30 Albion Rd.pdf Bouncing Cheque 1885.pdf BOUNDARY STONE Detectives .pdf BRASSES IN ALL SAINTS.pdf BRENDA KIRBY'S NOTES re Bungalows.pdf Brewers and Bakers of Monkton.pdf Brickfield sites & Owners.pdf BRITAIN - William - Lead Soldiers d. 1933.pdf BRITAIN William - 1933.pdf Brochure pics x 9 - landscapes.pdf Brooks Tea Rooms - Laurie Brooks.pdf BROOKSEND & connections of 1148.pdf BRUCE MARSHALL.pdf Bton Rail survey N.E. c. 1860.pdf Buddles blacksmiths.pdf BUILDING COMMITTEE 1914 ....pdf Building News - Bungalows - 1905.pdf BUILDINGS DEMOLISHED in BIRCHINGTON a.pdf BUILDINGS LIST.pdf BUILDINGS of ENG. Pevsner B'ton Bungs..pdf BUILDINGS of INTEREST in B'TON - LISTED BY DATE.pdf Bungalow Hotel - date 1882-3.pdf Burley - David - Press release Oct 2014.pdf C.S.S.M..pdf CAGE + POWELL ARMS 1842 .pdf Cage + text.pdf CAGE at POWELL ARMS plan 1842.pdf CAGE in Vestry and Poor Books.pdf CAGE- extra notes .pdf CAMPBELL LETTER - re Rossetti Society - 1981.pdf Car Club Badges.pdf CARAVANS at QUEX Ministry fight plan 1970.pdf CARMEL Ct & Sheila Philpott.pdf CARSONS at Cleve .pdf Cemeteries of Erlebach Boys.pdf CHALET The .pdf Chamber of Commerce + Carnivals.pdf CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - SHORT .pdf Chamber of Commerce- 1976 - inc Lady Godiva.pdf Chancel Decoration of Church .pdf Charity Report 1815 etc .pdf Charles Gill - Jo.pdf CHARLES LAMING - Barbara Ayers, nee Power.pdf CHARLES LAMING - Swagger Stick.pdf Charlotte Powell Powell Letters - 1 .pdf Charlotte Powell Powell Letters - 2 .pdf Charlotte Powell Powell Letters - 3 .pdf Charlotte Powell Powell Letters - Note .pdf Childhood B'ton - Bill Clarke.pdf Children cut off - rescued by Firemen - 1958.pdf CHILDREN OF GEORGE GOODBOURN AND MARY NEE SPAIN.pdf Chris Lewis Tribute - 2.pdf Christening Of The Heir To Quex- 1918.pdf Church Brief History of All Saints - 5.pdf Church Clock - 1.pdf Church Clock repairs + repaint - Oct 2012.pdf CHURCH HILL FARM - single spaced.pdf Church Hill map + info table 1688.pdf Church House - NEW - via Jodie.pdf Church House - OLD - via Jodie.pdf Church Tower & Bells OFFER .pdf Churchyard wall & EXTENSIONS .pdf CHURCHYARD WALL by the Pelican Crossing.pdf CLARENCE PEMBLE information.pdf CLOCK PRESENTED BY MRS SUSAN GRAY.pdf Coach House - Shakespeare Road - note.pdf Coast Guard Families - 1861.pdf Coats of Arms in Quex Chapel.pdf COBB - 3 Powell Arms maps 1850'1870 .pdf Col. Taplin - via David Pocknall.pdf Coleman's Stairs Road and Gap.pdf COLEMANS STAIRS.pdf Colin Winstone Newsletter Article Pugilism.pdf Comment by Hall Caine about Birchington.pdf COMMUNITY CENTRES - Talk Notes.pdf Community Kitchen Story.pdf Compton & Broomwood, St Mildred's Ave.pdf COMPTON.pdf CONTRACT of 1343 - Aerial.pdf CONTRACT of 1343 - Arial script.pdf CORNER TURRET BUNGALOWS.pdf Cornerstone Church a.pdf Cornford - Stones - Hollins.pdf COSMO Balloon 1888.pdf COTTAGE The - next to Bath Cotts..pdf Court Mount 1926 - EKU 1276.pdf Court Mount Caravan site.pdf Court Mount in Newsletter.pdf COX'S FISH SHOP - history.pdf CRESCENT ROAD - history.pdf CRISPE CHARITY - brief story .pdf CRISPE CHARITY SCHOOL by AT Walker+JM Burgess - 3a.pdf CRISPE CHARITY STORY .pdf Crispe Road hole 6-7 Aug 2010.pdf Crispe School report 1815 etc.pdf Crispe will 1648.pdf CROWN & SCEPTRE - Acol..pdf Crown & Sceptre - info.pdf Cycle Factory HISTORY.pdf Czech Farewell Service - April 1940.pdf CZECHS AND CHECKERS - Text transcript.pdf CZECHS AT BEACONSFIELD 1939 - 1940.pdf Dairy list + South End Farm sale.pdf Dante - Bungalow.pdf Dante Rossetti funeral.pdf DARBY HOUSE DOCUMENTS - Dover a.pdf Darby's House - Doc 2.pdf David Burley & Village Centre .pdf David Burley background - J. Denyer Sep 2014.pdf DAVID BURLEY.pdf Death Mrs Susan Gray - 1907 .pdf DEATH of Henry Jeston .pdf Deed for St Mildred's land 1875 - large .pdf Deed for St Mildred's land 1875.pdf Demolition of Almshouses.pdf DENYS JAMES HATSON COCK.pdf DENYS JESTON - Marriages 1950s & 1970s.pdf Denys Jeston - Prisoner of War.pdf DEPOT + Engine - Walker's note.pdf Derek Pemble's Story 1929 - 2011 - 12pt.pdf DEREK RAVEN + TRUST.pdf Dog Acre - AT Walker 1960s.pdf Dog Acre - 2004 - 10 pt..pdf DOG ACRE - SALE 1921.pdf DOVER DEPUTY - lists of dates + source.pdf DOVER DEPUTY 1499 on.pdf Dr DENNING.pdf Dr Merritt.pdf Dualing road article June 1972b.pdf Dualling article 1969.pdf EAST END PIECE - CHURCH LAND.pdf EAST END PIECE or EPPLE WALK.pdf EASTLAND, James.pdf Education in Birchington over 300 years.pdf EDWARD EUSTACE ERLEBACH.pdf Edward Neame in top hat c.1866.pdf EGERTON MANOR.pdf ELISABETH DENNING - Don Witts Tribute.pdf ELITE VISITORS IN THE EARLY 1900s.pdf Ellicott - article by Philip Humphrey - Odiham - a.pdf Emmeline Willett Marriage 1919 .pdf End of an Era .pdf Engraved window - Mulberry House.pdf Enlarged plan of B'ton - 1852.pdf ENTERPRIZES pantomime.pdf ENTERPRIZES THEATRE GROUP.pdf EPPLE BAY AVE etc- 2016 - House names.pdf EPPLE BAY Rd - MEMORIES.pdf EPPLE BAY ROAD - THIRDS - 14.pdf Epple Cottages 1-2, St James Terrace.pdf Erasmus Wilson - B'ton's AIR..pdf Erin Dene & The Thicket.pdf Erlebach - Arthur Woodland 1894-5 Jul 1917.pdf Erlebach - Henry Woodland 1886-28 Oct 1915.pdf Erlebach casualty cards.pdf Evergreen + Yew Tree House PLANS - 1924.pdf Evergreen - Smugglers story.pdf EX SLAVE FIGHTS IN BIRCHINGTON.pdf Exhibition BUILDING - AT Walker 2 pp.pdf Exhibition Advert 1885.pdf EXHIBITION at Minnis Bay 1885.pdf Exhibition Building Programme - Sept 1885.pdf Fairfield - Guest House.pdf FARMS - ATWalker .pdf FARMS in BIRCHINGTON.pdf Farr & Passmore Deaths.pdf FARR & PASSMORE INQUEST 1929.pdf FARRAR.pdf Fernleigh - Dawn Crouch.pdf Fernleigh 1920 + text.pdf FIELDHOUSE Horace - story.pdf FIRE and WATER.pdf FIRE BRIGADE - Laurie Brooks .pdf FIRE BRIGADE - Parish Council 1926.pdf Fire Brigade and Anchorage .pdf Fire Brigade Information from Fireman Book.pdf FIRE Marks in B'ton .pdf FIREMAN BOOK STORY.pdf FIREMAN JOHN HOLLANDS.pdf FIRST TRAINS at B'ton - Nick Evans + Jennie.pdf FIRST WORLD WAR BOOK - Foreword .pdf FIVE STAR HOTEL - by Peter Szewshuk.pdf FLINT COTTAGE altered .pdf Flint Terrace in Epple Road.pdf Florimel Court + view from front.pdf FLOSS PRETT.pdf Forge + Wilson 1920.pdf Foundation Stone - St Thomas Church.pdf FOUNTAIN VILLAS.pdf FOUNTAIN - Beresford - origins.pdf Fountain and Horse Troughs in Birchington Square.pdf FOUNTAIN at BERESFORD GAP.pdf FOUNTAIN History - SQUARE.pdf FOUNTAIN History.pdf FRAMPTON - ref. to B.ton sgraffito.pdf FRAMPTON George - note on early career.pdf FRED CASTLE.pdf Frederick's village bakery.pdf FREEMAN EVERALL.pdf Friend Solicitors.pdf FRIEND WILLIAMSON CHARITY.pdf FRIGHT Edward James - FIREMAN 1898.pdf Funeral of Mrs Susan Gray.pdf Gainsborough Schoo1 2 .pdf Gainsborough School photos + Janet Rupe.pdf GAINSBOROUGH SCHOOL.pdf Galen House, 32 Station Rd (2017).pdf GALLUP CHILD'S DEATH.pdf GALLUP FAMILY INFORMATION.pdf GALLUP INQUEST - 1929.pdf Gaps in B'ton's cliffs 2017.pdf Gaps in the cliffs.pdf Gardner's Shop plans 1928.pdf Gas leak in All Saints - 1873.pdf Gas Lighting 1884.pdf Gas Row map 1914.pdf Gas Standards.pdf Gas Works .pdf GAS WORKS Resiting .pdf Gasometer meeting 1882.pdf Gasw'ks Outing - W. Cock c.1924.pdf Gasworks in Birchington - 1887.pdf Gasworks Westgate Lorry Details.pdf Geo. Cousins - for Bill Furness.pdf Geoffrey Court Site plans.pdf George Broome Farrar + text.pdf George Cousins and his Three-wheelers.pdf George Millen - Blind Basket maker 1918.pdf George PHILLIPS .pdf GIRLS FRIENDLY SOCIETY 1875 on.pdf Golder Family dates.pdf Golder Lewis July 1895 Keble .pdf GOODBOURN.pdf Gordon Square 1933.pdf GORE END note.pdf Gore-end and Dover 1 p.pdf GRAYGOOSE - BIRCHINGTON 1651 .pdf GRAYGOOSE info .pdf GREENHEYES landscape.pdf Grenham Bay 1924 - W. George.pdf Grenham House - DURNFORD SCH - 1940-42.pdf Grenham House Chapel being built 1954.pdf GRENHAM HOUSE SCHOOL - Short History.pdf GRENHAM HOUSE SCHOOL 1981 .pdf Grenham House School Story - TEXT .pdf Grenham House School Story.pdf GRENHAM ROAD .pdf Grenham School - c. 1934 - text .pdf Grigg & Crispe family - (Jeffrie).pdf GRIGGS - Philip - Apprentice Indenture 1764.pdf Griggs mill info.pdf GRIGGS' MILL.pdf Grove House - Philip Merritt.pdf GROVE HOUSE - some history - 6 pp.pdf GROVE HOUSE - Winter's history.pdf GROVE HOUSE information via Belinda Merritt.pdf GROVE HOUSE information vis Belinda Merritt.pdf GUESEND.pdf Guild of Players - RISING GENERATION.pdf GUILD OF Players - PLAYS .pdf Gun Tower or Look-Out Tower c. 1812.pdf GUY FAWKES NIGHT in BIRCHINGTON 1950s.pdf HAIG & Lawes Report.pdf Harold Rd Dutch Gable 1930s.pdf HARWOOD Edna's Story .pdf Hasted - 3 versions - 1800.pdf HENRY GEORGE MURPHY - Rossetti Bungalow .pdf HENRY ROBINSON - WILL 1642 - 12 pt.pdf HEREWARD AVE, No 12 - 1930s house.pdf HIGHFIELD.pdf HISTORY EXHIBITION - Library .pdf HISTORY OF BHT - written in 2013.pdf HISTORY OF BIRCHINGTON - Dot.pdf HISTORY of the CATHOLIC CHURCH - D S .pdf HOLLYDENE.pdf HOME OF WORLD FAMED PAINTER 1966.pdf Homestead Farm .pdf HONEYBALL PLAQUE.pdf Honours won by B'ton Firemen 1920.pdf How many children were cared for by Spurgeons at Birchington.pdf HUDSON Kath b. 1913.pdf Hudson Mill Map 1840.pdf HUDSON WINDMILL.pdf Hudson'sMill report 1891.pdf HUGHEDEN LAUNDRY - Story.pdf ICE CREAM PARLOUR story.pdf ILES John Henry - story - Brass Bands.pdf ILES John Henry - story.pdf ILES seat .pdf ILLUSTRIOUS CHURCHYARD OCCUPANT - William Norman.pdf INDEX to CHURCHYARD GRAVES of SPECIAL INTEREST + contacts.pdf Infant School in Primitive Methodist Chapel.pdf INGLE CLOSE.pdf Ingoldsby Court.pdf INQUEST BLUE SKY telegrams.pdf Institute & Primitive Methodist Chapel.pdf Institute - 1940.pdf INSTITUTE SALE 1938.pdf Institute Trust.pdf Iris & Benetton Advert.pdf Iris Bedwell - Life Story .pdf Iris Bedwell - for Eileen O'Brien - June 2011.pdf Ismalia Cottages, Canterbury Road.pdf IVY HOUSE - + Telephone base.pdf James Cock Newspaper Cuttings.pdf JARVIS John A 119 - 1698.pdf JENNERS .pdf JESSAMINE COTTAGE.pdf Jeston (Denys) Retires - 1981.pdf JESTON - EVE d. 1973.pdf JIMMY BECK - b.pdf JOHN BROOKSEND Friend 1809 & 1824 .pdf JOHN COLEMAN - notes on will.pdf JOHN CRYPS c. 1466 - Court Case.pdf John Henry Iles seat & inscription.pdf John Powell Powell - from Hazel.pdf John Powell Powell.pdf Kathleen Hawkes + info.pdf Kathleen Hawkes - TWENTIETH CENTURY.pdf KATHLEEN PHILLIPS 1905-89.pdf Kaye MOLLIE M.pdf Kearns - Death of Colonel Thomas J 30 June 1920.pdf KEARNS HALL - 2008 .pdf KEARNS HALL.pdf KEARNS Thomas and Haidee.pdf KEBLES GAZ. - B'ton NEWS - 1891.pdf Ken Wilson - part 1 Homestead Farm.pdf KENNELS - Samuels etc.pdf Key - 19th century perhaps - found 1932.pdf KING ETHELBERT SCHOOL - Ben May.pdf KNOTTS Coachworks.pdf Laburnam House notes from slide box 15.pdf Lady Decies + cattery.pdf LAMING at BIRCHINGTON HALL.pdf Larkscliff history.pdf Last days of Alfred Erlebach - 12 pt .pdf LAST OCCUPIERS OF THE ROSS BUNG.pdf LAWRANCE PRIVATE SCHOOL - MINNIS BAY.pdf Library in WW 2.pdf Library opening 1967.pdf LIGHT RAILWAY .pdf list.txt Listed Buildings in Quex.pdf Little Brooksend.pdf LITTLE GORE END .pdf Little Gore End farmland - 1913.pdf Little Gore End pics.pdf Livestock of the Church.pdf Lodge The.pdf LORD MAYOR - 1884 .pdf LOST HOUSES - TALK - small print.pdf LOWER GORE END FARM.pdf Luke's gaps.pdf LYCH GATE L. Butterworth.pdf Lych gate & Woodford Ho. Closure.pdf Lych Gate - Leonard Butterworth.pdf Lych Gate dedication 1961.pdf Lych-gate's new home.pdf MAISIE MAPLE.pdf Major Morrison Bell - & The Institute.pdf MAJOR MORRISON BELL.pdf MALT HOUSES SITE - Steenhuis - Kent Veg.pdf Mansford House - 1914.pdf MANSTON BRANCH LINE 1917-26.pdf MANSTON RAILWAY - A. T. WALKER.pdf Manston Railway MAP 1920.pdf Margaret Levin letter 2016 Feb 13.pdf Margate Borough 1930-34.pdf Margate Take-over 12-8-1935.pdf Marker Stone baoundary.pdf Marshall, Bruce .pdf Mavis Gallup's grave.pdf MAYPOLE for May newsletter 2011.pdf MELLANBY.pdf MEMBERS of DOVER Cinque Port etc.pdf Memorial Ground 1933 - Pantony file.pdf MEMORIAL GROUND CONVEYANCE.pdf Memorial Ground Cover.pdf Memorial Ground Inscription.pdf Memories of Birchington CHAPMAN .pdf Memories of Queen Bertha - Gay Smith.pdf Methodist Chapel & clock - 2010.pdf METHODIST CHURCH - discovery of graves.pdf Methodist Church 1891.pdf METHODIST CHURCH.pdf MICHAEL TAPLIN.pdf MILES - SONNY.pdf Mill Row MAP 1938.pdf MILL SALE.pdf MILLEN - Newspaper item 1955.pdf MILLEN - Newspaper item 1975.pdf MILLEN - Newspaper item 1979.pdf MINNIS BAY - B'ton Bay Co.- Arthur Rayden.pdf Minnis Bay Sailing Club.pdf Minnis Coast G. + text.pdf Minnis Memory in Winter.pdf MINNIS Rd Cousins houses.pdf MINNIS ROAD big houses - 1911.pdf MINNIS ROAD big houses.pdf Miss Phillips - interview on old B'ton.pdf Miss Queenie Lawes .pdf MORRISON BELL Obituary.pdf Morrison Bell - Gazette .pdf MORRISON BELL CHILDRENS HOME.pdf MORRISON BELL Parish Mag..pdf MORRISON BELL.pdf MULBERRY HOUSE history + pic.pdf NEAME LETTER.pdf NEAMES at QUEX.pdf New Inn - Pewter Pot etc. - note.pdf NEW INN - Soldiers found 1891.pdf New windows in All Saints 1873.pdf Newman's Greengrocer's shop 47 Station Rd c. 1955.pdf NORTH SEA LODGE.pdf NOTES - PARISH MAGs of 1898-01.pdf Notes on Gaps.pdf Notes on Minnis Sailing club photos.pdf OAKLEIGH HOUSE.pdf Ocean Close by Sheila Ogles.pdf Ocean Close Xmas lights.pdf OLD CHURCHYARD story.pdf OLD SCHOLARS - DEEDS.pdf Old Scholars club - Mar. 07 .pdf OLD SCHOLARS CLUB a mini HISTORY.pdf OLD SCHOLARS HISTORY.pdf OLDEST DOCUMENTS OF ALL SAINTS.pdf OLIVER Ron .pdf ONION George - 2014.pdf Opening of the School-Church.pdf ORGAN - A.T. Walker.pdf ORGAN.pdf Orion - Bunglaows - via Jodie.pdf ORSINO 41 Epple Bay Rd .pdf OSCAR VAN AUDENHOVE - Diorama artist.pdf P C memorial.pdf PARISH OFFICER 1738 - Gilbert Stringer.pdf Park Ave corner + map + photo 1925 7 1930.pdf Park Court Farm - business card..pdf Park Lane Map - inc. wells - 1872.pdf Park Rd Junction - 1896 map.pdf PATRONAL FESTIVAL Nov. 1884 .pdf PCC MINUTES 1934-49 .pdf PEMBLE death.pdf PEMBLE Victor 1936.pdf PENRYN Berkeley Road.pdf Peter Brill - OBITUARY + pics.pdf Pewter Pot - Acorn .pdf Pewter Pot story.pdf Philip Griggs INDENTURE 1764 un-numbered.pdf PHILIP GRIGGS' Story .pdf Philip Norman Stone.pdf PHILLIPS George & Kathleen 1936, 1989.pdf PHYLLIS GAINEY.pdf PIER at MINNIS BAY Archive notes.pdf Plague & Birchington - 4 pp.pdf Plaque notice - Bernard - corrected.pdf Ploughing Match - 1860.pdf POINTER Mr. T. J. Pointer - for St Peter's.pdf Police station + text 1962-1969.pdf Policing B'ton in the 30's.pdf POND - note for 1895 re-road widening.pdf POND COTTAGE.pdf Poor Boy of Birchington.pdf Portpool - Elizabeth Denning + Kaye MOLLIE M.pdf PORTRAITS in QUEX HOUSE.pdf Powell Arms & the Churchyard Wall.pdf POWELL ARMS plan 1842.pdf Precis of Workhouse Annals 1835-97.pdf PRIMROSE COTTAGE etc - 1976 note.pdf Prince Doria & BIRCHINGTON.pdf Prince Doria 1939 onwards.pdf Prince Doria and Birchington.pdf Prize Fights 1810.pdf PRIZE FIGHTS at Epple Bay - 1810.pdf PROPERTIES & people 1903.pdf PUBLIC HALL .pdf Public Hall.pdf PULPIT CRUCIFIX - Story .pdf PULPIT.pdf PWD Butchers Resume.pdf Q. Vic's ganddaughter in B'ton.pdf QUAKER GRAVES - discovery 1966.pdf QUAKERS + Southdown House .pdf QUAKERS - Alfred Walker 1981.pdf QUEEN BERTHA'S SCHOOL STORY.pdf Queen Victoria's Jubilee - 1887.pdf Queen's Head new version.pdf QUEENS HEAD Diss..pdf Quekes or Quex 1781 ( line break version).pdf QUEX - Its History - AT Walker.pdf Quex Barn Fire 9-10-16.pdf Quex Chapel - HERALDRY - ATW + pix.pdf QUEX CHAPEL Screen .pdf Quex Farm Cottage 1.pdf QUEX FARM COTTAGE.pdf Quex House - 1788.pdf Quex House 1979.pdf Quex in WW1 - notes.pdf QUEX Maps.pdf QUEX PARK - by Alfred Walker.pdf QUEX PARK.pdf QUEX Wills.pdf QUEXPO Story - 2.pdf Raft .pdf Raft for Jennie.pdf RAILWAY CLERK 1940-2 Denis Chetwynd.pdf RAILWAY CLERK 1940-2.pdf Ramblling sketches 1882 May 12.pdf Random notes on Birchington's past.pdf RANSOME'S Death .pdf RAVEN AWARD 2012 Band Box.pdf Rayden + Upper Gore End Farm.pdf RAYDEN.pdf Red cross Ambulance + text.pdf Reminiscences of Birchington - Brooks .pdf Rent Book - Benefield & Cornford.pdf Report on All Saints October 1923.pdf REPORT on Crispe School 1815 etc.pdf Residents & Businesses 1895.pdf ROAD DANGERS IN BIRCHINGTON.pdf ROADS & Famous Connections.pdf Roads + other info - Brenda Kirby July '10.pdf ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.pdf Ron Oliver - A Local Butcher 2004.pdf Rooster on Waterloo Tower 1975.pdf Rose Bank + Fernleigh 1920 + text.pdf ROSSETTI DUG-OUT.pdf Rossetti Bung. history1870s - 19--.pdf ROSSETTI BUNGALOW - final fate - 1966.pdf ROSSETTI BUNGALOW FOR SALE 1952.pdf Rossetti Court - Foundation problems.pdf ROSSETTI GARDEN - IDEAS.pdf ROSSETTI GARDEN.pdf ROSSETTI WINDOWS.pdf Rossetti- & his Birchington Connections.pdf Rowe, Thos. + stones at Woodchurch.pdf SAND SERVICES History - a.pdf SAND SERVICES History.pdf Sanitary Minute Book.pdf Sarah Thunder.pdf Saxon Skeleton find, Gallwey Ave - c. 1945.pdf SAYER - Crispe Charity Apprentice - PLUMBER.pdf School Story - CRISPE CHARITY.pdf SCOTT - Wild Air -no pics.pdf Sea View Hotel - brief history .pdf SEABREEZE LADIES Cycles to Wine bar - a.pdf SEASIDE CHURCH Story .pdf SEAWEED - Montgomery .pdf SEED MILL - a.pdf Seed Mill info.pdf SEED MILL STONES 2 .pdf SENIOR school dev'm'nt 1937-8.pdf SERRES Henry 1937.pdf Sewell - House and Road Scheme.pdf SGRAFFITO - Jane Lamb.pdf SGRAFFITO Miss Beck + The Porch repaired.pdf SHOPPING in STATION Rd.pdf Short History of the Birchington Parish.pdf SHRUBLANDS Wilson .pdf SILVER BAND - Bill Evans.pdf Six Bust monument.pdf SIXTY YEARS OF PANTO - Guild of players.pdf SMUGGLERS in ALL SAINTS CHURCHYARD.pdf Smugglers WELLS.pdf SMUGGLING AT BIRCHINGTON.pdf SMUGGLING NOTICE 1820 Thomas Bishop .pdf South End Cott + Terrace - plan c. 1930.pdf South End Ctts. 1902.pdf SOUTH END FARM Single spaced .pdf SOUTH END FARM.pdf SOUTHDOWN - DEEDS.pdf SOUTHDOWN HOUSE - Old Joe.pdf SOUTHDOWN HOUSE.pdf Speed Limit - in the Square - 1909.pdf SPENCER HOUSE.pdf Spire reshingling - 1887 to print.pdf SPURGEONS HOMES - Baby Home open '67.pdf St Anthony's, 6 Berkeley Rd.pdf St CLAIRE.pdf ST. Mary's Home Story .pdf STATION - 1944-6.pdf STATION - OPENING, HOUSE etc..pdf STELLA MARIS 2 .pdf Stella Maris.pdf Stevens' Mr -Retirement.pdf STORING BIRCHINGTON PARISH ARCHIVES.pdf Story of UPPER GORE END FARM HOUSE.pdf Story of Upper Gore End Farmhoue.pdf Street Farm 230.pdf Street Farm 236.pdf Street Farm 238.pdf SUN LIFE INSUR. J. Neame.pdf SUNNY COT.pdf Sunny Lodge notes - 1978.pdf Surveyor's Report -B 1921.pdf Surveyor's Report 1921 - 1925.pdf Surveyor's Report 21 - 1 - 1921 - Apr 1935 .pdf TAPLIN'S Life.pdf Tappington description of house.pdf Tar Path.pdf TELEPHONES & EXCHANGES .pdf TERRIER 1527.pdf The Charity School.pdf THE EAST WINDOW.pdf THE FONT.pdf The Grant Memorial Fountain - (4).pdf The Grant Memorial Fountain - a (3).pdf THE INSTITUTE - K. Phillips letter etc..pdf THE LODGE - MOUNT LAVINIA.pdf The Name, Gore 1 pp.pdf THE OLD SCHOLARS Club Charity .pdf The POLICE BOX in the SQUARE.pdf The Railway Crossing & Thicket .pdf The Story of St Thomas Church.pdf THE STORY OF THE PULPIT CRUCIFIX a.pdf THOMAS BISHOP - Family matters .pdf THOMAS BISHOP life and children1798 - 1875.pdf Thompson's Yard - Aug. 2009.pdf Threatened Fountain - 1929.pdf THREE COTTAGES NEAR CHURCH.pdf Three Legged Toad.pdf THUNDER Thomas 1789.pdf TIMBER - QUEXPO.pdf TIMBER - Evans THANET ARTS.pdf TIMBER - Hutchings GUILD.pdf TIMBER - Marsh - GUILD.pdf TIMBER - Baldwin KENT DRAMA.pdf TIMBER - Larry - SPORT . SCOUTS.pdf TIMBER - SUE' S Tribute.pdf TOWER BUNGALOWS in Coleman stairs.pdf Tower in B'ton Hall Meadow - Information.pdf Twentieth century - sale 2016.pdf Twinning info on Dog Acre.pdf UNCLE TOM.pdf UNITED SERVICES CLUB .pdf UPPER GORE END - a short history .pdf UPPER GORE END BARN - edited .pdf UPPER GORE END BARN edited .pdf UPPER GORE END BARN Info.pdf Upper Gore End POND.pdf URC Church - 125th Anniversary.pdf Vera Holton War Diary extracts.pdf VERA HOLTON.pdf Vicarage (new) + churchyard (care of) 1968.pdf Vicars of Birchington - Walker.pdf Victoria's Golden Jubilee in B'ton 1887.pdf Vida - Newsletter.pdf VIDA BATES - Life - Nov. 2007.pdf VILLAGE CENTRE Story.pdf Village Plans Quexpo '71.pdf VILLAGE SPORTS - note - 1895.pdf VYES.pdf W E Martin - article on his involvement in the project.pdf Walker's Buses.pdf Wall of old Churchyard & gate c. 1880.pdf WALL PAINTINGS in the SANCTUARY.pdf WAR MEMORIAL NAMES - WW1 + Dates.pdf WAR MEMORIAL WW 1 - PRESS CUTTINGS.pdf WAR RESERVE POLICEMEN .pdf WAR WEAPONS WEEK 1914-18.pdf WARD SISTERS - A Puzzle.pdf Ward Sisters - First Report - 16 July 1938.pdf Ward Sisters - INQUEST - Part 1 - 23-7-38.pdf Ward Sisters - INQUEST - Part 2 - 30-7-38.pdf WARD SISTERS - updated 17 - 2 - 2014.pdf WARTIME 1914-18.pdf Water supply and water works.pdf Waterloo Tower Bell Ringers Church Tower.pdf Waterloo Tower story - for Bill Furness.pdf WAX HOUSE.pdf WAYWARDENS & Gilbert Stringer.pdf WELLS - the funeral.pdf WELLS Kittie - INQUEST 1916.pdf WELLS Kittie 1916 - revised 2014.pdf Whale at Grenham - 1914.pdf WHALE Washed Ashore.pdf Widow Darby.pdf WIGWAM & MULHOLLAND.pdf WIGWAM.pdf WILD AIR - 4 July 1939 .pdf Wilkie Road - St Austell.pdf WILL of MARY LULL 1647.pdf WILLIAM MORRISON BELL by his g. g. nephew .pdf WINCH Family .pdf WINDMILL - Cant. Cath. notes.pdf Woodchurch & its Poor.pdf Woodchurch - a mini history.pdf WOODCHURCH - Church Meadow.pdf Woodchurch - St NICHOLAS Church + pics.pdf WOODCHURCH FARMHOUSE - Rosemary Quested 2009.pdf Woodford House - HISTORY.pdf Workhouse In Birchington 5 pp.pdf WORSFOLD Fred H'y - life.pdf Wounded Soldier At Birchington.pdf Wrecks - by Michael Lodge 2004.pdf WW 1 item (BHT).pdf YORK TERRACE, 12 .pdf